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The International Criminal Court Bar Association has signed several affiliation agreements with national bar associations and lawyer organisations. The following organisations have signed affiliation agreements with the ICCBA:



The purpose of affiliations is to establish a privileged mutual relationship between the ICCBA and affiliated associations. By entering into such relationship, the ICCBA and the affiliated associations endeavor to pursue together the same common goals of promoting, in the context of the International Criminal Court, the highest professional standards of ethics and competence for Counsel, the independence of the legal profession, the resolution of legal, administrative and disciplinary issues impacting Counsel, the principles of fair trial and equality of arms and respect for internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The ICCBA Executive Council relies on affiliated associations to provide support for and advice on the activities of the ICCBA and may seek, where it deems appropriate, advisory contributions on issues of common interest or any other form of relevant assistance.

Contact us
If your organisation is interested in affiliation with the ICCBA, please contact:

Under Article 40 of the Constitution of the International Criminal Court Bar Association, procedures may be established by which other associations may be affiliated with the ICCBA.. The ICCBA Procedure regarding Affiliations is available on the Documents page. 

Signing of an Agreement with the Kuwait Bar Association
Signing of an Agreement with the African Bar Association
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK, The Hague, The Netherlands 

© 2020 ICCBA

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