In June 2023, the ICCBA sent a questionnaire to the 14 short-listed candidates for judges at the ICC. The election of the judges will take place at the Assembly of States Parties in New York in December 2023.
The questionnaire covered the candidates motivation, experience in criminal proceedings and understanding of defence and victims issues at the ICC.
The ICCBA received responses from the following candidates:
BEN-MAHFOUDH, Haykel (Tunisia)
DAMDIN, Erdenebalsuren (Mongolia)
DEMBÉLÉ, Adélaïde (Burkina Faso)
GUILLOU, Nicolas (France)
HOHLER, Beti (Slovenia)
HOHOFF, Ute (Germany)
LAZAROVA TRAJKOVSKA, Mirjana (Republic of North Macedonia)
MOTOC, Iulia Antoanella (Romania)
PAEK, Keebong (Republic of Korea)
PARMAS, Andres (Estonia)
RAJAONA, Andriamanankadrianana (Madagascar)
ZEMAN, Pavel (Czech Republic)
The ICCBA appreciates these candidates taking the time to complete the questionnaire.
The ICCBA did not receive responses from the following candidates:
KARANJA, Wanjiru (Kenya)
NELSON, Clarence (Samoa)
The responses to the questionnaire are available in the report below and the ICCBA hopes this will be of assistance to States Parties when electing the six judges in December.